Wednesday, June 26, 2013


After getting our chores done today, we ran out to "the spot" just before high tide.  The buoys for the gill nets had been moved west a few hundred yards, but they were in the same general area as they were two days ago.  Maria and I dropped our hooks baited with herring, and commenced catching halibut.  At the landing where the city cleaning station is, there was a man from China who was really fast at cleaning fish, and he asked if he could clean mine; he was practicing for the upcoming commercial season, just honing his skills so he could be faster.  I always clean my own fish, but it was fun to watch him, and it got us home faster too.  Every little bit helps, because it can turn into midnight so quickly here...

I thought I had a really big halibut, but it turned out to be this skate - which is like a big ray. Hard to tell, but I suppose this weighed 50-75 pounds.  They are considered undesirable and a nuisance around here.  Maria took a short video, and I released it without touching it much.  I think they have a big spike on their tail that can be dangerous if they hit you with it.

I'd guess the wingspan was over three feet, and it was 4-5 feet long.

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