Thursday, June 6, 2013


This picture is awful - I must have been really shaky, but you get the general gist. This is Celine from France and Marco from Montreal. They have been hitchhiking and backpacking all over Canada the past couple of months. They have one more month in Alaska and then they are heading back to work and school. So we picked them up west of Tok and they rode with us down to Anchorage (4-6 hours). It made for interesting conversation, and it was really really nice to talk to someone other than PJ :-). We even got to share our faith with them a bit, and pray with them before they left. Pretty interesting how they have traveled the world for years, and basically hitchhike, walk, camp, and sleep on peoples couches. They have some internet network they depend on (others can sleep on their couch if they want) - and so far, I guess it has been safe. Best wishes Celine and Marco! PJ and I think this was no coincidence that our lives were brought together - but all part of God's plan.

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