Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Finally - a fishing connection!

There is a site that I found on the internet called the alaska outdoors forum. I was reading and researching on there every day prior to leaving Minnesota.  A couple of months ago, I put a post on there offering to throw in with anyone who has an open seat on their boat.  I was just hoping to help with some work, pitch in some cash for gas/groceries/bait, and see what I can catch, learn - and what kind of connections I can make.

A guy responded from the lower 48 - someone who has a home and boat stored in Seward (which is about 3 hours from here).  Before I left MN, he emailed and told me that he was going to be up here for 8 days in June - and that I would be welcome to fish with him.  Yesterday, he informed me that he had arrived, and that they are heading out on their first trip tomorrow - and wondering if I am going to join them.

Oh yeah!

So tomorrow late morning, I head up to Seward. We are heading out into Prince William Sound about 4 pm, and will be coming back in at 8 am on Friday. They call it "an overnight" and the plan is, you catch a limit of halibut on Thursday evening, and another limit of halibut on Friday am.  It never gets fully dark, so you can fish all night.

I'm so excited to actually be able to fish with some experienced people and learn. It would be so cool to actually see some big halibut - bigger than the "chickens" that everyone is catching in the bay here.

This is what people do around here.  They go out fishing for meat, and try to stockpile a few hundred pounds of halibut fillets so they have fish for the winter. Here's hoping - cuz I'd love to bring some halibut back to MN. It's delicious...

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