Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Miscellaneous photos

Earlier in the blog, I talked about the time PJ and I got beached and it took 5 hours for the tide to come back in and get us floating again - well, this is what it looked like.  If you look closely, you will see PJ all snuggled in sleeping between the windshield and the upright fishing poles.

Stopped for a tourist shot before we descended into Homer...

This is called an Irish Lord. It looks like a sculpin from back home, although it's much larger. Looks like it could fly, huh?

Maria's two Australian Shepherds - Brodie and Blue. I call them the "knuckleheads" or "the mudpuppies" depending on the moment. The are sheep herding dogs - and are always trying to herd one another, jockeying for position, bowling each other over, wrestling, etc. 

Cow and two calves along the airport road, right out the car window...

PJ doing what he does best. I have more pictures of him like this than you can shake a stick at...

Starfish on the beach at low tide. They come in all different colors.

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