Tuesday, June 18, 2013

some of the sights...

One of the tidal flats where I hunt bear...

A view from Maria's deck. Pictures cannot do it justice...

A view from Grace Ridge way up above treeline - a place where I hiked for bear.

An earthquake/tsunami happened in 1964, and completely leveled the homer spit - except for this historical place called "The Salty Dog". It's a touristy little dive bar thats dark, dank, has a really low ceiling, and is very loud.  The intire inside of the thing is covered with money that is tacked onto the walls, ceiling, and support beams.  All the money has been defaced - signed by customers, or written on/changed in some way.  Maria says the gov't has never done anything about it (defacing US currency is illegal you know...)

The harbor about 2 am...

This was my view coming out of Jackalof Bay last night, just before sunset, around 11:30.

Coming into the harbor, with the Kenai Mountains in the background - 12:30 am this morning.

Sailboat area of the harbor, 12:30 am this morning...

My first halibut. A strange critter indeed. Two eyes on one side. Toothy critter. Brown on one side. White on the other. Really good eating. I just need to catch a big one over 50 pounds before I leave.

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