Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Alzheimers and dementia - looking on the bright side

I was mowing the grass this am - and trying to look on the bright side, like I try to do on a daily basis.

The bright side of having alzheimers is that when the guy working outside your window is showing his crack all day - you probably won't remember it tomorrow :-)

It's another great day. The worst thing that has happened to me this week so far is that sinking feeling you get when you realize that the weed eater just ran out of string.  I hate it when that happens...

But if that's the worst thing that happens to me this week? Oh boy...

Life is good!

High tide is coming today around 5 pm, so Maria and I are going to go out and give fishing a try and see if we can catch some halibut where/when I did two days ago.

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