Monday, June 24, 2013

Ben says - "cute little buggers"...

Usually around 9pm, we put the knuckleheads in the garage - and then the moose feel safe to come around.  On this night, one cow came through with a calf. Then another cow with these two calves, and finally, a yearling - probably belonging to one of the cows from last year.  The cow walked close enough to brush my boat, and if I were hiding inside, it's possible that I could have mounted her for a short ride.  BUT, Maria told me that her last dog was stomped to death by a cow moose with calves - so I'm thinking I won't try that :-)  Maria got these two little stinkers just three feet from my boat - with her cell phone.

Below photo is of me blogging on Maria's couch while eating ice-cream with homemade rhubarb sauce on top :-)

Most of my scenery photos from Seward are on my cell phone, which I need to load yet - so stay tuned...

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