Monday, June 24, 2013

Low tide exploring...

Once a month we get a super low tide and the water levels fluctuate some 20+ feet. People who like to dig for clams get excited because in a minus five tide like today, things get exposed that haven't been in a long time.  We went clamming early this am, and had not too much luck but this alien starfish did try to suck onto my face like the creature did on the alien movies...

Below - Gull Island Bird Sanctuary that I spoke of in an earlier post.  Neat spot because there's an  archway in the rock formation.  The puffins like to nest in the grassy stuff in the upper right while the gulls and cormorants get in the rock crevices...

Below - my first legitimate halibut in Katchemak Bay. They are harder to come by here close to Homer, but I am learning. Good meat on this one...

Maria is quite the photo buff. She got most of these with her iphone camera. Below is a shot of the beach we were on at low tide

Maria bear hunting?  Not likely...

Maria with purple sunstar we pulled out of deeper water with a garden rake

Very cool creature. Purple on top. Yellow-orange on the bottom. Tentacles undulating. It left pigment all over my boat and hands...

The stuff God makes is truly amazing and I love to see the stuff I have never seen before

I seem to have lost track of the shots I took of the town of Seward - but this is a shot from the harbor looking toward town. The mountains around town were socked in with clouds at the time

Starfish at low tide

Having fun birdwatching at Gull Island Bird Sanctuary across Katchemak Bay from Homer