Monday, June 3, 2013

eating a ribeye!

The elder of the woods (PJ) says it's time for a good meal, so we have swung in to a restaurant in Whitehorse - Yukon Territories. It's 7:30 pm, and we have been driving since 6 am. It took us that long to get across the northern rockies/ british columbia. The farther we go, the more we realize that this is a crazy long way! I've dumped 600 bucks into the gas tank since this time yesterday. OUCH. We are going to keep heading toward Anchorage until dark, which will be around midnight. Thankfully, gas is coming back down. It's only about 7-8 bucks a gallon now. Be thankful for what we have in the states! Not too much for news today since my last post. Saw lots of bears, moose, caribou, buffalo, etc. this am before the sun got up high, but wildlife sightings dropped way off once it got up into the 60's. We expect things to get better later this evening though.  Starting to see more lakes and rivers (not too much in northern BC). I did spot my first ever silver fox, which was in the ditch eating road kill :-) Neat looking critter that I would like to trap. Ok - food is here so I must go. I forgot my camera in the truck again, but I will post some pictures soon.

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