Saturday, June 15, 2013

Another perfect day...

Homerites, homerinians, homeridians, hemorroids, or whatever you call people that live in Homer - are all remarking about the amazing weather. It has been super warm and clear now for about ten days, and no end in sight. It's cool down by the lake (maybe 55 degrees - the ocean acts like a big refrigerator), but go up the hill a ways and it can be 75 or 80. But a strange thing has happened the past few days. You get up in the am and the ocean is "socked-in" with low clouds - right down on the water. This doesn't clear until about 4 or 5 pm - so I have been wary about going out into it. With gps on my boat, I'm sure I would be ok, but I'm just sort of biding my time because there is plenty of other things to do.

I keep calling it "the lake" and everybody laughs at me and says "what lake, it's an ocean". It will take me awhile to get used to that. I always start out calling it the lake, then the bay, and finally, I admit it's an ocean.

I hate garage sales and think they are a complete waste of time, unless you are looking for a good deal on something specific. Today though, there was a community garage sale - and Maria wanted to participate. We moved down a few car loads of stuff, and hung out for four hours trying to sell it. After selling maybe 1/4-1/3 of it, we had to pack it up again and haul it to the salvation army. Maria made 120 bucks. When I asked her if she enjoyed herself, she said "not really." So, I told her that next time, I will gladly pay her 120 bucks to just drop it off at salvation army in the first place - and then we can do something really fun with our time - like fishing (haha). Seriously, I understand that some people just really enjoy garage saling and finding bargains, But, it is definitely not for me.

We were going to bear hunt tonight, but the lake didn't clear off till 5pm.  It's at least two hours to get to my bear hunting spot, so we decided to wait on it. Heading into town right now to grab a bite, and listen to some music. I will be hitting the fishing and hunting harder again this week.

I've been run down for a couple of days, and showing some signs of being sick (it's different for me than most people) - so I've been really sleepy and requiring some naps. I think all this burning the candle on both ends has finally caught up on me.

Oh yeah, forgot to say - today down by the swamp/airport - there was a huge cow moose with twin newborn calves standing alongside the road. Momma was browsing intensely, and the little ones were tearing around playing. Hopefully they don't get hit by a car. Anyway, they were right on the shoulder and didn't seem to mind the car. I didn't have my camera with me, but got some great shots with my phone, which I will share later. Gotta go...

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