Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday continued...

I show off an impressive fish. As I said, they begin a silvery green, then begin to get striped, and finally become either more and more red or yellow. Some are very calico looking.  The meat of the jaws seem to waste away, leaving hooked jaws, jagged teeth, and humped backs. In fact, some of the fish we caught were beginning to rot. Scales were falling off, flesh was getting mushy, and even the center of the eyes were vacant - just gone.

Below, a look at the mouth, the jaws, and the teeth. The big one Maria caught on the video (two posts ago) flopped and those teeth raked my palm a bit. It more surprised me than anything, but it gave him the chance to flop down the bank and plunge himself off the cliff back into the pool below before we could photograph him. I'm guessing the fish was 15-18 pounds!

Maria looks like the little Indian princess with her eagle feather.  She's versatile, because I also know she's the zumba queen.  I think she enjoyed the cabin, the creek, being in the outdoors, and even snagging and hauling the fish up the cliff.

Maria inside the old cabin.  Like I said, it's pretty basic. Old musty beds. Chairs with dusty cushions that are falling apart. A propane stove. A wood stove. Some very basic old tools, cookware, and dishes. I noticed some canned food, and a little hooch to warm the belly and gladden the spirit :-) On the shelf was a logbook with people from all over the place who had stumbled across the cabin while they were exploring. All the owners ask is that you respect their property and leave it the way it was when you came. People really seem to be doing just that.

While I was cleaning fish, Maria was inside tidying up, sweeping the floor, and signing the logbook.

Sorry this is horizontal - I did change it but it didn't stay that way - so turn your computer 90 degrees, ok?  This is the view off the cabin deck, looking up the place where the creek forks and gets more steep and shallow. To the right is the steep cliff that's about 20 feet straight above the pool, which is about 6 feet deep and the deepest spot in the creek. Right now, this place is calling me back, so I'm going to leave Maria to her work (I'm a distraction sometimes, it seems), do some bear hunting, and maybe I'll hole up in the cabin for a few hours while it's dark. I'll report back on my experiences in a day or two.

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