Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Heard the knuckleheads barking and Maria says there's a moose out by my truck. When I came out the door, he was feeding up by my hood - so I used the truck for cover and snuck to the back corner of my camper. I could hear him coming because I could hear him breathing, and then he came by, about 8 feet away. He never even knew I was there. Then he sniffed around in my boat, walked past some new guests that were just pulling from Philadelphia, and then walked right up to an older couple from the lower 48 that were out for a walk on the driveway.  He literally walked right up to them, maybe eight or ten feet away - just out of curiosity.  They were pretty intimidated, but since it turned out so good, they were thrilled. This is our resident yearling bull moose, who was born in the yard last spring.

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