Sunday, July 28, 2013

Car-door-opening bear?

Last week in the Homer newspaper, there was a story about a bear up on our hillside that has learned to open car doors. Well, I think I encountered that little potlicker last night.  I awoke at 3:03 am to some serious dog barking.  I knew there must be some animal outside, so I went out there to investigate.  I came face to face with a bear trying to get into my truck.  He had the right front passenger door opened, the lights were on, and I'm sure he was thinking about trying to climb inside to see what he could find. I'll admit, my truck is a pit, and he would have found something to eat - that's for sure.  I had my rifle in my hands, and I was standing there in my undies, sizing up this bear that was mere yards away.  Then he looked over at me, and because I think bears can't see too well, he started walking closer to investigate.  He was so close, I could hear him breathing loud and clear!  I judged him to be only 150 pounds - so I put down my rifle and threw a rock at him instead.  He took off up the hill helter skelter, and that was that.  If Mr. bear continues this kind of behavior, I will have to dispatch him and that's all there is to it. I hate to go home without filling my bear tag; that would be just pathetic.  Maria Santa Lucia (isn't that just so fun to say?) and I are headed across the bay to hunt black bear and snag salmon in humpy creek as soon as we finish a huge feast of king crab legs. This will be my first time eating it... hmmmm.....

They think I'm totally weird, but when I ask them if they've ever eaten walleye, they say "what's that"? At least I know what King Crab is - so I guess I told them...

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