Friday, July 12, 2013

Geritol Frolics...

This is Myra's mom and I during a visit last Sunday. You know what's terrible? I don't even know her name, but I always sit on her lap.  She seems to get a kick out of it.  Myra is Maria's dancing friend, and her mother is originally from a Chicago mafia background, but moved up here to Alaska long ago, and has since survived two husbands. Now she's in her late eighties, and in really good condition.  "Grandma" is deaf, and has been since birth - but despite that and her age, she's really quite sharp.  She has four children, and moves around and lives with each of them every year.  She's been with Myra since I came to Alaska, but now is going to be with another daughter in Anchorage for a period of time.  All four children know sign language, and do it continually while anyone in the room is talking, so Grandma always knows what's going on.  Gram can also read lips very well, and once you get enough time with her, you can understand much of what she speaks.  Don't worry about her - most of my weight is on my left arm on the back of the couch - but she still complains that I'm heavy.  Then she asks her daughter when we are coming to visit again :-)  I expect to see her next time I come to Alaska. I've noticed that a lot of people get to be really old around here...

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