Monday, July 15, 2013

Grizzly Bear - Close Encounter!

While I was down on the river flossing at about 5:30 am, Maria was in the camper snoozing.  I got a text from her saying "there's a brown bear up here".  " He stood on his rear legs and shook the truck and camper, then got down and walked around it, then walked away down the road."  Maria was trying to get her camera out and get a picture, but she was too groggy, and too excited to get it done.

Oh, how I wish I had been there. I have a 12 ga. shotgun loaded with slugs in the cab of the truck.  I would have kicked that grizzly in the nuts - so that he would feel the need to attack me, and then I would have had to defend myself :-) = grizzly bear rug and big skull for my collection.

Not really, but I do admit that I like to fantasize about such things. Since I have never seen a grizzly yet, I would have loved to witness this; it would have been quite a thrill for me. Maria has been having fun telling her story to all of her peeps.  Me, I will just have to wait for my time...

Just think - a huge bear stood and shook my truck (while Maria slept inside), and I was 1/4 mile away fishing! How cool is that???

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