Sunday, December 3, 2017

I'm learning about water this week. Yes, Water. You might not think it's that big of a deal to a puppy, but it is!

So far, I just thought water was for drinking. My previous master gave it to my sisters and brothers and I in case we were thirsty. Then my new Master Tim did this same thing. I think this must be important. But something new came up this week - something I wasn't expecting.

I was out in the woods walking with Master Tim, and my new friend PJ. Master Tim and PJ act like they have known each other forever, but this was my first time with him. Anyway, we were walking in the woods, and we came to a small stream of water flowing through the woods. This was my first time experiencing water that wasn't in my water dish. Master Tim jumped across it and then called me. I was reluctant, paced back and forth, and wined. This was an obstacle that I hadn't encountered before. Then PJ stepped across, and I found myself alone on the other side. Again, Master Tim called me with "COME!" a command I am learning, especially when there is treats involved - but I still was unsure. But when I saw them start to leave, oh boy, my little legs kicked into gear. I jumped in, splashed, and found that low and behold, I was able to cross all by myself. The water was deeper then the water in my dish - like, up to my belly, or a little deeper. It was cold, and after I got across, I started to feel cold and shiver. Master Tim picked me up and told me what a big, good boy was. He snuggled me and dried me off, and we continued our nice walk. Later, when we got to the truck, he dried me off real good, and I took a nice long nap in my kennel, in the warm truck.

Today, I had my first bath!

I've got to admit, ever since I got to my new home with Master Tim, I've been sort of fascinated with the bathtub. I crawl in and out of it, and sniff and check it out. Well today, Master Tim filled it up with warm water - and then he got right in there! Before he did, he had given me a toy filled with treats and peanut butter, but I wasn't so interested in that as I was what was going on in that tub. I put my front feet up on the ledge, and peeked inside. I drank and drank and drank. So much water in there, and so different than the cold water I am most used to - I thought I might drink it dry, just like my dish, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't. Then Master Tim invited me in. I was game. With a little help, I was over the edge, and standing in warm water up to my chest and neck area. This was so much warmer and more enjoyable than that cold creek in the woods that other day. I think I could get used to this! Master Tim rubbed me and got me all wet and talked gently and soothingly - and thus, I had my first bath experience, and it was good! Master Tim says that eventually, we will add soap and toys and other fun things, but for now, this was enough. 

Who would have thought there would be so many new encounters with water this week? And you know what, I'm pretty proud of myself. I've proved that I can handle them all, so far!

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