Thursday, November 30, 2017

I'm here to tell ya, I'm a holy terror!

Good Morning. My name is Sam Elliott, and I am a rabble rouser. A real bona-fide holy terror!

Each morning, I wake up with so much energy - I hardly know what to do with it! So I run around the house, helter-skelter, grabbing at everything in my way. So far this morning, I have: pulled up a plant and run around the entire house, spreading dirt everywhere, drug at least three rugs from where they belong, pulled clothing down off of the chairs they were hanging on, shredded a cereal box, destroyed a shipping box, spilled my water and food everywhere, attempted to chew on a chair leg and some wood trim, pulled my Master Tim's sweat pants down, and yanked on Granny's scarf. Never mind that I have several chew toys in plain view - I'm not really interested in having them, because I can have them anytime. I also got into a stack of Granny's christmas cards, an old book belonging to Grandpa, and a white teddy bear that I am completely infatuated with - no matter how much I hear the word "NO!"

In fact, if you really want to know, it is my belief, my world-view so to speak, that everything and I mean everything, was put on this earth for me to sniff, explore, taste, chew, and so on. When I am this  energetic, my master Tim doesn't know what to do with me - I can tell. He follows me around. He say's "NO!" all the time. He picks me up and tries to put me somewhere else. It's true, my attention span is short, and sometimes this technique works, but usually, I wind up back doing something I'm not supposed to do before too long.

We go outside for walks, and potty breaks all the time. This helps, and eventually I start to get tired, but each morning, there is about two hours of tension. Master Tim keeps threatening me. He tells me that musky season is open for one more day!

On the bright side, I am working on learning words like COME, SIT, and NO. My kennel training, potty training, socializing, and generally learning to be independent is coming along better than expected - so says my master Tim.  Right now, our biggest issue is how to keep me from destroying everything, and, how to keep me from piddling in the house. It's a full time job, but hey, I gotta be a puppy!



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