Sunday, December 17, 2017

My First Day In The Ice Shack!

I know Master Tim has gone fishing before, but usually he leaves me in the truck. He comes back and lets me out often, but then he goes back fishing by himself. Well, not yesterday. Yesterday he took me with him. I chased the four wheeler for part of the time, and I rode for some of it too. When I arrived, the house was nice and warm, and I got to sit on a bench with Master Tim. Then I was given a Kong, filled with treats, and peanut butter. This is my favorite, and I worked on it for a long time, until I got tired and fell asleep. Then Ben came out to visit. After awhile, I heard Master Tim get excited, and then there was a fish! I smelled it and licked it a little bit. It was long and silver. Then we went back in the house, and Ben held me while we all looked at a big square filled with water. There was a little red and white fish swimming around in that hole, and I wanted to get it, but I wasn't so sure. I have never been swimming before. Later, at lunch time, Master Tim's Uncle Carl invited us over to his house for lunch. The men all had venison brats and beans. I wasn't allowed, but I did have some extra puppy food, and Master Tim let me lick the bean juice from his plate. That was a new taste I have never experienced before! All in all, it was a fun day. It beat sitting in the truck alone, and I didn't get lonely at all. I hope I get to go fishing again soon :-)

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