Friday, December 15, 2017

There's So Much To Talk About!

Sorry I haven't been here to blog, everybody, but I have been super busy learning and experiencing everything that I possibly can. Master Tim has been busy, taking me wherever he goes, and you know him - he has a big agenda!

I've been experiencing snow for the first time. We don't get that very much in Oklahoma, where I'm from - at least since I've been born. I like the snow we get in Minnesota. I jump and play in it. I eat it - especially if I feel thirsty. I've even caught snowflakes right out of the air! But one thing is sure - my feet get cold and then I want to go in the house.

Master Tim has been taking me on his trapline. I like it, because I get lots and lots of exercise, and I get to run and sniff in the woods - where there are so many interesting things to see, smell, hear, taste and experience. Sometimes I get super tired - so Master Tim carries me, or here's a new thing - we ride on an ATV. Running in front of the ATV is fun! Master Tim lets me take the lead, and he follows me. And he always seems to know when I am too pooped to go on anymore: that's when he stops and puts me on his lap. On the trapline, we don't catch very much - but one day we caught a raccoon, and another day, we caught a coyote and a bobcat. They were sure interesting to smell.

I go to work with Master Tim almost every day that he works. I used to worry a little bit when he left, but I soon learned that he always comes back very soon. He lets me out often to go "takin' a leak" or "takin' a dump", and we often work on our obedience training - like learning to "sit", "come", and the word "NO!". Before I learned the word NO!, I did some really bad things, like, I ate dog poop, deer poop, saran wrap, and a mushroom. I don't know, I was just curious, and it smelled kind of interesting - but Master Tim sure got upset. That night, I had a belly ache, and I had to keep crying so I could go outside. It was a Looooooong night, and I hope I never have to do that again. At work, I also get to visit lots of men who seem very happy to see me. Sometimes they get all giddy, and I feel powerful - making them happy like that. Sometimes, when I am in the truck - which I love, I get to be free! No kennel. Just me, laying on the seat. Master Tim turns on the seat heater for me, and I love the feeling on my growing bones!

Did someone say retrieving? I am a retrieving fool! Sticks, socks, hats, leaves, toys, dummies... it doesn't matter, I put it in my mouth and run around with it. Master Tim throws things, and I run and get them, then bring them back. Sometimes, I get a treat.

Today, I chased a pheasant wing. I know it was a pheasant, because Master Tim introduced me to it a few weeks ago. Anyway, somehow, it kept getting away from me. I chased it and chased it, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't catch it. When I got tired, I would lift my front paw, stretch out, and get real rigid with my tail. The pheasant smelled so good, and I was so intent, trying to figure out a way to get it. That's when Master Tim kept saying the word "Hooooold." He seemed really proud of me, and then we quit. I sure hope we can chase the pheasant again soon - because I'm gonna get it!

I've also gotten accustomed to taking long walks on the ice. I've been in thick cattails - which I like to rip out, run, and chew on. Sometimes, when there is no snow on the ice, I slip and fall, and I can hear Master Tim laughing at me. But you know what, I've seen him fall too, so there! One day, while fishing, Master Tim got a northern pike and a whitefish. He told me he was going to eat them for supper. I think they smell funny, and he can have them!

I'm always hungry, and always looking for food. When I get home from being somewhere, the first thing I do is race around the corner to my dish, and see if there is food there for me. Eating is my favorite thing ever, and for some reason, I feel like I need to eat as fast as I can. When I'm not eating, I also get treats, and I think my favorite is a toy stuffed with treats and peanut butter - but I also like chew sticks. They are challenging to eat. Sometimes I try so hard to chew, that I get tired and fall asleep.

Speaking of sleep - I do that an awful lot. Whenever Master Tim exercises me till I am tired, he puts me in my bed, and I go to sleep fast. I don't complain when I am in my kennel. I like it in there. It is comfortable, safe, and I am content to be in there. Usually, I take a lot of naps during the day. And at night, I sleep a long, long time. Other than the one night when I had the belly ache, and the first night in Minnesota after leaving Oklahoma, I have slept all night long.

I feel like I am growing up. I used to bite and chew on everything, but now that I know the word "NO!", I stop right away, and then Master Tim gives me something else to chew on. I also used to constantly fight to get away from whoever is holding me, but now I enjoy some good cuddle time, and a close, intimate nap too. But while I am falling asleep, I still whine and complain. There's gotta be a little drama involved, right? Now Granny copies me, and we take turns until I fall asleep. Whatever, Granny!

Well Ok, I guess that's enough for now. I've got to save something to talk about for next time. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty big week, wouldn't you?


Sam E.

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