Sunday, November 19, 2017

Oklahoma to Minnesota, and Life With My New Master

Here's the deal - for this to be believable, you have to use your imagination a little bit, ok? Even though I don't talk very much, I do know English, just like any dog in a Disney movie. I know you. You've watched them, and you've gotten into them. You've laughed and cried at them. So you must believe in them to some extent. Well then, do that with my blog! I think you're gonna love it. So will your kids and grandkids!

My new master, Tim, is always talking to me, explaining things, and taking pictures. I'm working on my typing skills, but as a puppy, they are just not there yet - so I have enlisted Tim to write my blog. I think he has as good a handle on the goings-on with my life, so lets just give him a chance and see how he does, ok

I am from J&S Kennels, near the outskirts of Ponca City, Oklahoma. I'm just over 8 weeks old! I'm a Gordon Setter. Do you know what that is? Well, it's kind of like an Irish Setter, or a Red Setter, except I am mostly black, with some tan around my eyes, muzzle, chest, and feet. My tan color is darker than the rest of my 7 litter mates - which makes me unique. I also have black stripes of fur that goes up my toes, that looks like a continuation of my toenails. My new Master thinks this is cool too!

Something terrible happened two nights ago that I want to tell you about. You see, I used to have two other masters - Mike and Patti, who for the most part, have always been kind to me. They gave me food and water every day. They made sure I got outside to play, and that I got to meet lots of people and experience new things - so that I get socialized and confident. Mike and Patti are the masters of my mom and dad. Well, things really changed the other night, and I still like Patti, but I am not so sure about Mike anymore. You see, he came out to the kennel, took me away from my brothers and sisters, and put me in a separate crate. Then he fed them, and I had to sit and watch. Eventually, he left, and I had to stay that way the entire night. What a bunch of crap! I mean, we have a routine around here. We eat three squares a day, and we cuddle at night. I know this - even if I can see my litter mates, I don't like being alone AT ALL! That's why I screamed and cried almost the whole night.

The next morning, a stranger walked in the door. Well, he's not a stranger anymore, but at that time, he was a stranger to me. It was Tim! He came to the kennel door, opened it up, and scooped me up into his arms. Finally, after all that crying - Tim had come to rescue me! He was really nice. He talked softly to me, so soothe me, cuz I was kind of worked up. And Tim is really nice with his hands. He gives me all kinds of attention. He pets me. Strokes me. Scratches and tickles my ears.

I saw him shake hands with Mike, and then we got in a Red crate of some kind - a crate that moves! Tim showed me around in the crate. He showed me the seats, the center console, the windows, the floor, and so on. Then we started to move, and the last thing I saw was Mike and Patti waving goodbye. Goodbye Patti! Good riddance, Mike!

I'm was feeling just a little unsettled, because everything I was experienced was brand new. There are lots of interesting smells in Tim's truck, and it's a little messy. I'm sure if you've ridden with Tim, you will agree. Mostly, I just cuddled with Tim, but eventually, when I got more comfortable, I started to explore the red crate - which Tim calls his truck.

Looking out the window, I saw other crates moving around too. I didn't see any puppies in them, but there were people. Something interesting was happening too. When I looked to the right, everything was getting farther away, but when I looked to the left, everything was getting closer. I saw trees and bushes, fields of grass, corn and soybean fields, and once in a while, I even noticed that Tim would crane his neck backwards to look up in the sky. When I looked where he was looking, I think I saw Mallards and Geese, and Tim looked pretty interested.

Tim says I am going to hunt, and we are going "up north" to Minnesota, where there are grouse, woodcock, pheasants, and ducks. I don't know what they are, but I can't wait to find out!

Meanwhile, I was feeling a little tired - because I didn't sleep so well the night before. I started trying to find places to sleep. The passenger seat across from Tim was too far away, and I was feeling a little insecure about that. The center console was a little too hard for me, but it was really warm, so I tried sleeping on it in just about every position I could. Thing is, it's just not quite big enough. No matter what I tried, something was always flopping off - my head, my leg, or even half of me. I noticed that Tim kept putting his arm over by me, so that I wouldn't fall off. That helped.

Mostly, I slept on Tims lap. I tried that in every position too. I tried half on Tim, and half on the center console. I tried hanging my legs over one of his legs, and over both legs. I tried right side up, and upside down. One time, I even went up on his shoulders and pinned myself between Tims head and the seat. That didn't last very long. My favorite and longest sleep was when I sacked out in the crook of Tims left arm, and sort of lay on my right side. That lasted a looooooong time! While I was there, I dreamed of playing with my brothers and sisters. When I woke up, Tim told me that my nose was twitching, and my legs were running!

Then Tim told me we needed gas. Whatever, but the great thing is, I had to pee sooooo bad - now I know that getting gas is a good thing! As soon as he put me down on the pavement, I peed a big old puddle - so big that before I was done, it had spread out on the pavement, and I was standing in it with all four feet. No big deal, said Tim. He petted me, and told me he was proud of me for not doing that in the truck. And he cleaned me up with some water and a piece of clothing. We did this routine several times yesterday, while we were driving to Minnesota. Each time we stopped, I wanted to go sniff around in the grass, but Tim wouldn't let me. He explained that all my immunizations were not done yet, and I was highly susceptible to a virus called "Parvo", which is from other dogs who pee at rest stops and convenience stores. Well, that makes sense, and I sure don't want to get sick!  I'm so glad Tim explains everything to me. I'm looking forward to playing in the grass more in about six weeks or so.

Overall, I'd say it was a great adventure. My only complaint was when we had to stop suddenly, and I rolled off the center console and fell on the floor. What a rude awakening! I heard Tim mumbling about someone driving one of the other moving crates. He helped me get back up on his lap, where it is warm and safe. The last time we stopped to pee and buy gas, it was getting dark. After that, I slept on Tims lap all the way to Minnesota.

Then something really strange happened. When we got out of the truck, it was really cold. I could totally see my breath! This would never happen in Oklahoma. But I felt energized and spunky, so I ran around for awhile while Tim watched me. Then, I went inside a house for the very first time. That's when I met a little old lady named "Granny." Granny held me while Tim went back outside to do some things. When he came back in, I got to eat some food and drink some water. Then Tim held me while he and Granny talked back and forth. Since I had just slept for so long, I wanted to get down and explore, but Tim wouldn't let me, so I wiggled and grumbled as much as I could. Eventually, he took me back outside, where I could run and sniff. I liked picking up leaves and sticks, and running with them.

The most confusing thing to me is night time. And unfortunately, last night was more of the same. Tim took me to something that he calls his new "ice castle." After he showed me around, he put me in another one of those crates that doesn't move, and then Tim lay down on a bed nearby. My crate was comfortable and everything. I had a soft bed too. But I just didn't like being alone. So I started protesting. At first, I just barked. I could see Tim laying right there looking at me. He talked soothingly to me, but he would not come and rescue me like he did this morning. That puzzled me. So then I turned on the waterworks. I screamed and cried. I wailed and moaned. I had a tantrum. I bounced off the walls of the crate so hard that my master said I was shaking the whole trailer! But still, he wouldn't rescue me. He kept talking softly, saying he was there, and that it would be ok. That I needed to learn to sleep alone, and be independent. Finally, I got so exhausted, that I lay down and went to sleep.

During the night, I kept waking up, only to find myself alone. Since I was still half asleep, I started protesting again. When it didn't work, I decided to try some different forms of manipulation. I put my head up in the air and did my most lonely, mournful howl, just like my ancestors. That Tim is one tough customer, cuz even that didn't work. He just lay there like a stone, but he did keep talking to me. It felt good to know he was there.

It was a long night. Tim told me I was a good boy. That I slept six hours, and was up three hours. He wants me to see if I can sleep more tonight, and protest less. Well, we'll see.

As soon as Tim let me out of the kennel, I squatted and took another long pee. Tim said he was proud of me for not peeing in my bed. Well, duh! Who would do that?

Tim must have had to pee too. I noticed him over behind some bushes, so I went over to investigate, and I got a little wet. Tim cleaned me off again though.

Then I got to go for a good long run. Tim took me around the perimeter of his yard. There are so many new things here in Minnesota! The ground is hard, and white, and crispy. It makes my feet cold, and I can't decide whether to stop and sit down, or run faster. I picked up lots of leaves and sticks. Whenever I did, Tim would run away clapping, and when I would chase him, he would scoop me up, take the stick, and make a big deal out of it. This is fun! I went up and down stairs for the first time. I got to investigate Granny's Garden, which is fenced in - but I found a way out really quickly. I even got to walk and run around on a frozen lake, and when Tim went up a grassy bank, I ran right up it behind him.

After that, I got to go back in the house and see Granny again. I snuggled with her while Tim got me a bowl of food, and a bowl of water. Then, I ate the most I've eaten in a long time. Maybe in forever! Afterwards, my belly was so full, I felt like I had to make some room. When I squatted to poop, Tim got excited and yelled NO! He scooped me up and ran faster than I've ever seen him go. Before I knew it, I was outside. The urge was still there, so I pooped right where he put me down. Then he made a great big deal out of me again. I wonder what's up with that.

Today has been a great day. I've been able to eat, explore, and have lots of fun. There are so many interesting things to see, do, and smell. And I don't miss being in that truck.

Right now, I'm feeling kind of tired again. I was just running along, and then I ran out of gas, and plopped right down on the rug. Tim seemed to notice.  He says he has some paper work to do, and that I'm going back in the kennel for some sleepy time. Well, I have just enough energy to protest for awhile - but if he doesn't rescue me, I'm definitely taking a nap!

Sorry this has been so long, but dude, there's a lot to tell you.

Catch you later,

Sam E.

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