Monday, November 20, 2017

Learning to socialize and be independent in Minnesota.

This is a selfie of me with my new friends, Emily (left) and Sara (right). Tim took me to meet some new people. He says it is an important step in my development - so that I can learn to be with other people and be polite and secure, and be independent of HIM. I guess he went shopping or something, and left me with them. They have a very cool property with some trails in the woods, and a frozen swamp. I chased Sara through the woods for a long, long time. I think that's the farthest I've ever run in my life! Sara has three other brothers who I met. Colton, Christian, and Hunter Timothy. They held me and played with me, and I licked them and nibbled on their ears. I have seen a few kids before, when I was in Oklahoma, but I have not spent this much time with them before. I have never gone to visit THEM, that's for sure. I think I love kids, and I hope we can go visit them again soon!

After we went home to the ice castle, I was so tired, I could barely stay awake. I was sitting on Tim's lap, and I actually tipped over several times!  But Tim kept bugging me so I wouldn't fall asleep. When he put me in my kennel/bed, I fell fast asleep, and I didn't even cry until 5:30 am! That's like 8 hours or something! Tim was so happy with me, he praised me up and down, and made a big deal out of it again. I guess we reached out goal of being more independent and getting more sleep. When I woke up at 5:30, Tim and I went outside to go potty, and then he took me in his bed with him for some snuggle time. That was a special treat. So warm and comfortable in his big, warm sleeping bag.

After Tim's shopping trip last night, I have some new toys: a red squeaky ball, a piece of rope with some knots and shredded ends, some chew toys, milk bone treats, and a new, smaller kennel that Tim keeps in the house. So, I have one bigger kennel bed in the ice castle, and one smaller kennel bed in the house. Both have a nice, fluffy pad inside. This morning, after a fun run around the property, I went in my new smaller kennel while Tim sat and worked on his computer. This took a couple of hours. Mostly, I just slept. But when I woke up, Tim took me outside, and I went pee and poop again.  He always takes me to the same spot, and when I get there, I sniff around, and it makes me feel like going some more. I'm getting pretty good at this, but I have had a couple of piddle accidents in Granny's kitchen. So far, I haven't gotten into any big trouble, but Tim is warning me that his grace won't last forever. Whatever that means?

Right now I am chasing Ben's dog Maverick around. His nickname is "Mavvy." Mavvy likes to chase me too. Tim is typing my blog quick, while I play, with the content that he and I have agreed on. Then he says, we are going for a long, long walk in the woods. He wants me to be all tired out again, so that I sleep all night. Colton and Christian might go with us, and help with Tims trapping, and me.

See you next Time!


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