Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Being a puppy is a busy life. And, my Master Tim is a busy guy - what with living out on the lake and all. We have been finding it difficult to keep up with the blogging since we don’t have internet out at the ice castle, but using Maria’s iPhone as a hot spot, we are getting to be more tech savvy. So here goes!

I have been going to the veterinarian at Garrison Animal Hospital, and have all of my shots taken care of now. This month, I gained 12 pounds! And last month? 7 pounds. So I am getting big, tall, and lanky. When I run, I feel kind of out of control at times, but I usually get where I am headed.

My butt has been really stinky. Sometimes like fish… sometimes just like stinky butt. When I was a 8 week old puppy, I dragged my butt and “scooted” on the floor all the time - to try and relieve the irritation, but nothing seemed to help. Not even taking a dewormer. So Master Tim asked the vet to squeeze out my anal glands, and boy did that help. The vet said they were “very full” and not working so well. After they squeezed them all out, wiped me clean, and sprayed my butt with perfume - things seem to be much better. Hopefully, from now on, the scent will come out a little at a time with my poop - like it’s supposed to. Then the other dogs will know it's me!  If not, the word is, I think Master Tim will be taking care of it by himself. Geez! I hope not! If he does, he better use latex gloves and KY Jelly, like my vet did!

So I am healthy and growing. That’s all good. The other big thing that has happened is - this lady that seems really important to Master Tim showed up about a month ago. They sleep together, and everything! Well, this lady’s name is Maria, and she brought two big, furry, scarey, intimidating dogs with her. One’s name is “Brody”, and he doesn’t seem to like me very much. His brother “Blue” is more tolerant, but he doesn’t like me much either. Shortly after they arrived, something really bad happened. Brody was grumpy and frustrated from his flight from Alaska to Minnesota. He was having trouble adjusting to the new surroundings. And, it was hard to exercise outside, because it was too cold. Everything came to a head, and Brody attacked me. I didn’t know what to do; I was just shocked and hurt. Master Tim came to my rescue. He tackled Brody, and hit him a few times, yelled and screamed. I think he was really scared too, just like me. Then Master Tim came and helped my ear stop bleeding. Ever since then, Brody has never attacked again. I think he knows Master Tim is the boss. So I have taken more and more opportunities to try and play with Brody and Blue over the past month. Things are going better and better. I mean, a few times, we have even played together and wrestled too. The main thing is, I have learned that I need to respect the big dogs. They let me know (by growling) to “back off” when I am too near their food, their bone, their toy, or jumping on their face. When I’m bigger and stronger, I may stick up for myself a little more, but for now, I have to listen and respect.

I have other dogs that I am friends with. Master Tim has a daughter named Lauren, and Lauren has two Pit Bulls named “Hugo” and “Mira”. When we arrive to visit little Hazel, or Lauren and Michael - Hugo and Mira just won’t leave me alone. They run, one on either side of me, looking down on me, and chase and tackle me. Not only that, but they slobber all over my sides, and it’s really gross! We wrestle and play a lot, and they are much more strong and powerful than me - so they usually win, but I still give it all I’ve got.  I find it fun to be able to jump on and play with dogs who won’t bite me, or be too aggressive. If they do pursue me too hard, I go hide under a vehicle. They don’t seem to want to follow me there. So that’s how I get a breather from those crazy pit bulls.

The Gutenkauf Family takes care of me a lot when Master Tim is working. That’s Gary, Master Tim’s best friend from high school, Gary’s wife Emily, and their kids Colton, Christian, Sara and Hunter. They sure seem to like dogs a lot as they ask for me to come over all the time. They have a dog too, whose name is Bodie. Bodie is a big yellow Labrador Retriever whose bark is worse than his bite. He makes a lot of noise when we play, but he is always gentle. I think I am a good influence on Bodie, because when I first met him, he would never play. He was just so serious. Kind of like an adult. Now that I’ve come around, he plays more and more, and his tail wags too - so he must be having fun. The Gutenkauf family takes good care of me. I get lots of fun, exercise, socializing, and when Master Tim picks me up after work, I am always all worn out and ready for a long nap.

Speaking of long naps, I don’t even use my kennel anymore at the ice castle. I sleep on the floor by the bed, with the other two big dogs- Brody and Blue. So far, I have never had even one accident in the night. I just wake up in the morning and start pacing and yawning. Master Tim seems to know that that is my signal to be let out so I can “go taking a dump” and “go taking a leak.”

Master Tim thinks I am a little skinny. I’m not super fond of eating large quantities of puppy food, but recently, master Tim started adding Alpo meat and gravy to my puppy food. Now, I definitely eat more puppy food! I’m going to see how much weight I can gain between now, and the time I go see the vet next!

One thing that is disappointing to me is that Master Tim and I have not been training very much lately. I think it’s because it has been so cold outside.  Some cold, I can take... but that wind???  When we can, we play fetch with the ball. I know how to sit, and stay, and shake, and so on - but I miss working with wings and bird scent, and working on my pointing. I don’t know why, but I just dig that so much. I’m going to try and get Master Tim to do this more with me - even if it is cold.

We are getting into a pretty good routine at the Ice Castle, even if it is small, and cold outside. We are always together, and us dogs get lots of attention and love. We are learning to all get along, and be a unified pack.  When it’s time for chores, we go to Granny’s house in Deerwood and I play with my red stuffed Santa and Master Tim’s old orange hat. Those are my old toys, and that is my old stomping grounds, and I love being there! I tear around the place like some kind of wild thing! The only thing missing is Maverick, Ben, and of course, Granny. Where are they, anyway?

I got to see Ben and Maverick today. I overheard Ben telling Master Tim that I was a “pain in the ass." Is that anything like having plugged anal glands? Well, I’m not entirely sure what that means, but I will admit, I did have an awful lot of pent-up energy when I arrived at Mavericks house today, and, I really didn’t know what else to do with it. Maverick is like that too. Well, I blame Master Tim. He should have exercised me more, before he left for work.

Well, that’s a lot to read, huh? Hopefully you enjoyed catching up on my life. I think in a few weeks, we are going to move the Ice Castle to the land somewhere. That will be great, because I miss being able to sniff the grass and trees, have more encounters with birds and squirrels, and all that good stuff. I will be sure to let you know when it happens.

Until then,

Sam E.  

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