Thursday, May 30, 2013

A couple of days till departure...

Many of you don't know this, but I have dreamed of going to Alaska since I was a little tyke. Most of you DO KNOW that adventure has always been a big part of my life, and the dream of experiencing Alaska for an extended period of time has always seemed like the grandest of adventures to me.  BUT, it seems that there has always been something that has kept me from it.  When I was a high school graduate, I was madly in love, and I couldn't afford it.  When I was 19, I was married, and I couldn't afford it.  When I was 21, I began having children, and it didn't seem like the responsible thing to do.  Since then, there has been college, jobs, owning a small business or two, illness, helping children to gain independence, aging parents, more college, and a career change.  Recently after graduating with a masters in marriage and family therapy, I began to reflect on the fact that for the first time in my life, I could really get away with leaving for a good sized chunk of time (eg: longer than my typical week or ten-day stint).  So, I began "testing the waters" by talking to significant people in my life: employers, family, respected friends, clients, and so on - and the vast majority of them gave me really positive feedback.  So, for about two months now, I've been researching every night before bed - learning as much as I can via the internet, alaska outdoor forums, and the like.  A couple months ago, I began gathering my gear, shopping little by little for the things I needed, doing vehicle and boat maintenance for the long trip, and just generally wrapping my head around what I want to do while I'm up there.  This week has been particularly busy as I juggle counseling, guide trips, packing, and my last minute preparations.  And as usual, things come up that tend to get in a person's way.  A week of toothaches brought me to the dentist, who informed me that there was infection underneath molar #30, and it needs to come out.  It will be an expensive ordeal for sure, but on the bright side, it could have happened while I was out in the bush up in remote AK.  Tonight after attending a Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge Graduation, I put my pop-up camper in the bed of my pickup, and after hooking things up, found out that the lights aren't working. Tomorrow, I will have to figure that out in-between getting a Cimzia shot and having a tooth pulled.  After that, there's a lot of packing to do, and a little birthday get-together and "good-byes" to my family. The great news is that my good friend PJ Brennan will be driving up with me.  Yes, a few weeks ago, PJ called and asked if I wanted company, and I was so happy he did!  We'll be taking my four door chevy truck, camper, and pulling my 19 foot alumacraft boat.  PJ will get to see the Alaska Highway all the way up to Anchorage, where we'll head southwest out onto the Kenai Peninsula and out to Homer, at the end of the road.  My rough plans are to fish and sight-see with PJ the first few days.  PJ needs to leave about the 9th of June, at which he will fly home, and I will take my boat across Katchemak Bay to the Kenai Mountains - where I will begin a spot and stalk hunt for a coastal black bear.  After that, there will be lots more adventure with exploration, sight-seeing, fishing, meeting new people, and hopefully resting my body enough to continue for two months.  THAT will be the biggest challenge for me as my tendency is to go from sunup to sundown.  Well, in AK during summer, that's about 20-22 hours a day.  See what I mean?  I'm told that I will have some cell phone and internet service in Homer and along the highway corridor, so stay tuned for (hopefully) up to date blogs about my trip.  You'll be able to hear about what I'm doing along the way, hopefully see some great photos, and of course, make sure I'm alive.  Stay tuned...